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Rehearsal (New Members Welcome)
Wednesdays 7.30 - 9.15 pm

Check "Calendar" for more details.
Alkham Village Hall, Hogbrook Hill Lane
Alkham CT15 7BU


So – you or a someone you know sings in the shower, sings along in the car and sings at the game – but singing in a choir sounds like a step too far?  Well it isn’t!   Our choir was founded by Alkham Villagers strictly as a fun social endeavor, but it has become one of the most popular weekly events in the Village.  Graham Bissett performs the duty of Music Director, Kevin Rolfe sorts out the Admin, and Andrew Koo takes care of attendance and arranges tea and snacks.

So don’t be afraid to join in…. It is a team effort.  Most members started without a clue about how music was written or how to sing together to make just one brilliant choral sound, but now we are learning entire songs in one sitting…   Real progress, and lots of fun.

Contact us to have a chat or just to one of our sing-a-long sessions in the Alkham Village Hall.  We are always on the look-out for new voices! (and new friends…)