Audio Practice is “Ready to use” so try it out, even the beloved Pat-Pan and Sunshine on Leith

    • Audio practice between sessions, not scary at all.
    • Easy practice anytime, anywhere.
    • “Try it, you’ll like it !”

Open the PDF below (each link open a new tab)

Then come back to this tab, and choose the audio
(by Concert, Piece, Part, Type, etc.)

Once it is playing, you can go to the tab with the PDF.

As Long as I have MusicCalifornia DreaminDona Nobis PacemDona Nobis Pacem (easy)

Ain’t No Sunshine

 Happy TogetherHarbour
HelpPat-a-PanSiyahambaSunshine on Leith

Upcoming performances

Special Guests at the Snowdown Male Voice Choir Concert
Saturday, June 15th, 7:30 pm (Rehearsal starts at 6pm) 


Concert Run Through – June 15th St Anthony’s Church

Playlist – Accomp. & Full Only

Playlist – All Files

Rehearsal (New Members Welcome)
Wednesdays 7.30 - 9.15 pm

Check "Calendar" for more details.
Alkham Village Hall, Hogbrook Hill Lane
Alkham CT15 7BU